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Secrets of Self-Discipline: How to Become Supremely Focused

Fabulous self-discipline, we all aspire to have it. Many of us beat ourselves up, because we don’t have it in spades. However, self-discipline is not written into our genes, or a snap to attain. Self-discipline, like most worthy goals, takes time. It is also acquired a little at a time, with patience Put the simplest way, self-discipline is the ability to do the right thing, to forgo immediate gratification for the sake of a long-term goal. Self-control is a natural benefit of self-discipline and it has perks. With self-control one can resist those easy gratification highs we all regret later, the extra doughnut, etc. Anxiety is often better when one has developed some self discipline and self-control, because as humans we deal with our stress by distracting ourselves. Self control can dampen this tendency. With less anxiety and more self-control we tend to be better at bouncing back when life hits us. Our relationships improve and our outlook and general feelings about the world. On the way to self-discipline it pays to gather self-data, that is figure out what success looks like to you. Know what issues are hard for you to overcome. Make small goals and see yourself fulfilling them. Find mentors. Take it slow. And know you will fail and get up and do it again and forgive yourself for not being an instant success.

Key Takeaways:

  • Brian Tracy emphasizes on how important it is to set clear goals and then make small steps towards them each day.
  • Famous author J.K. Rowling delves into how we are so much more capable than our abilities if we choose to be.
  • Oprah Winfrey claims that power comes from the energy within us, and we have the ability to bring it forth.

“Not every day will be perfect, but each day — with its failures and small wins — is progress, and that?s what self-discipline is all about.”

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