Historically speaking, Google users have performed most of their searches by text-based queries, but studies are now showing that over 74% of these results do not provide searchers with what they had intended to find. To address these frustrations, Google has now been incorporating more visual aspects into their searching tools such as allowing users to search using images themselves. These types of queries are already showing to provide users with much more relative results.
Key Takeaways:
- Pinterest has reported that 55% of their users shop on their site.
- Related Images is a feature that allows you to view images related to the subject at hand.
- Over 74% of Google users claim that text-based queries do not give them the results that they want.
“For 74% of consumers, traditional text-based keyword searches are inefficient at helping find the right products online.”
Read more: https://moz.com/blog/drive-conversion-with-visual-search-by-camera